Employee discrimination is a serious issue in the State of California. State and federal laws govern employers and employees. If you suffered discrimination while working or seeking work in the State of California, you have options for holding an employer accountable for their actions. You should understand important details regarding employment law in California.

The San Diego employment discrimination attorneys of Haeggquist & Eck, LLP offers legal representation for employees who suffer employment discrimination in San Diego and surrounding counties. Call our office today for a free case evaluation during which we can discuss the facts of your case. Retaining an attorney is an important step to take when you want to hold your employer liable for discrimination.

No one wants to feel discriminated against at work.

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Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyers in San Diego

Advocating for Women Who Are Pregnant in the Workplace

A womanā€™s decision to bear a child should not affect her career prospects. Any action on the part of an employer to discriminate against a woman because she is pregnant is prohibited by California and federal law. This protection against pregnancy discrimination extends to hiring and firing, disciplining or harassing, promoting or demoting, or determining compensation and benefits.

If you believe any of these matters at work were decided or acted upon because of your pregnancy, Haeggquist & Eck, LLP can help. Our attorneys will be the compassionate advocates you need to aggressively pursue your best interests. We will work with you every step of the way to help you gain the fair and just compensation you deserve.

Legal Protections for


A pregnancy is legally considered a temporary disability, and a pregnant woman is entitled to the same consideration and treatment as any other employee who has become temporarily disabled.

Under Californiaā€™s Pregnancy Disability Leave Law women are provided with various pregnancy-related protections:

Legal Assistance When You Believe

Youā€™ve Been Discriminated Against

If you have been fired, threatened with the loss of your job, passed over for a promised promotion, or if youā€™ve been treated differently or have suddenly started getting unfavorable reviews since announcing your pregnancy, you may be entitled to make a discrimination claim against your employer.

A pregnancy discrimination attorney in San Diego may be able to help you recover lost income and benefits, emotional distress, and harm to your future career prospects. Your best option is to consult with an attorney with experience in employment discrimination law to determine your options.

The employment lawyers at Haeggquist & Eck, LLP believe in gender equality in the workplace, which means an end to illegal pregnancy discrimination. We also believe in families. With our legal expertise behind you, you will have the best shot at getting back to work and back on your chosen career track to secure your familyā€™s economic future as soon as youā€™re reasonably able to do so.

We Can Fight for You

Contact one of our discrimination lawyers at Haeggquist & Eck, LLP to learn more about filing a discrimination claim against your employer, and about pursuing damages. We can review the details of your case and answer questions you may have about your case.

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