Haeggquist & Eck, LLP Helps
Defrauded Investors Seek Recovery

The risk of losing money on a stock or bond is an ever-present possibility when we trade securities, but when bad actors short circuit the system for their personal gain ā€“ and at the cost of investors ā€“ Haeggquist & Eck, LLP can hold them accountable. Since 2008, weā€™ve pursued class actions against those in charge of publicly traded companies when theyā€™ve been responsible for mishandling company finances.

Amber Eck, one of our founding partners, has more than 15 years of her own experience fighting on behalf of investors in a wide range of cases involving securities fraud in the United States. Her efforts have resulted in millions of dollars recovered for clients, and she along with the rest of the team at Haeggquist & Eck, LLP can help you seek just and fair compensation as well.

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For a free case evaluation, contact us Haeggquist & Eck, LLP online or call (619) 342-8000. Our securities fraud attorneys in San Diego can help you understand your rights as an investor and what you can do if youā€™ve lost an investment to fraud.

How Do You Know if Youā€™re a Victim

of Securities Fraud?

There are numerous warning signs that fraudulent activity is going on or has happened in regard to securities such as stocks and bonds are numerous, yet some may not be entirely obvious.

The FBI and SEC cite the following as indicators that securities fraud
may be happening or has occurred:

A securities fraud attorney in San Diego can help you recognize if youā€™re a victim of this kind of fraudulent activity. Call (619) 342-8000 or reach out to Haeggquist & Eck, LLP online for help now!

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