We Accept Employment Law Referrals

As an expert and highly respected attorney in your field of law, clients look to you for advice and counsel for their legal needs. So, for those employment issues that may lie outside your expertise, place your clients in the experienced hands of Haeggquist & Eck, LLP.

We focus on the rights of employees, including discrimination, sexual harassment, retaliation, equal pay, wrongful termination, hostile work environment, wage and hour violations, on both on an individual and class action basis. Haeggquist & Eck will provide your clients with the compassion and excellent representation they deserve.

Since our inception, we have worked tirelessly to seek justice for marginalized groups and individuals. As a woman-owned business, we strive to include and support people that others may undervalue. Almost all of our partners are women.

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Our team gladly accepts referrals from other law firms and attorneys.
When you refer your clients to Haeggquist & Eck: you can be confident that:

We can represent your clients in any of the following:

Other issues we can address include:

We approach every case with passion, resolve, and a deep desire to win. Even opposing counsel respect our reputation as they know us for our tenacity, quality and results.

Refer to Us With Confidence

Given our extensive experience and ability to achieve solid results, itā€™s no surprise that many Haeggquist & Eck clients come from referrals from other attorneys. We have a strong reputation for handling employment issues and fighting for employee rights.

If you are an attorney who needs a reliable firm to refer your valuable clients with employment issues to, please consider Haeggquist & Eck. We pride ourselves on our commitment to our clients and our community.

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