Archives for May 12, 2014

Supervisors Can Be Liable for Harassment and Retaliation

In California, employers aren’t the only ones who face liability for harassment, including sexual harassment, and retaliation in the workplace. Individual supervisors are also liable for their own harassment and retaliation against employees.

Who Is Considered a Supervisor?

The law regarding sexual harassment makes employers strictly liable for sexual harassment committed by a supervisor. Therefore, it is important for employers, supervisors, and employees to understand who is considered a supervisor under the law.

The Fair Employment and Housing Act defines “supervisor” as “any individual having the authority to:

  • Hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward, or discipline other employees
  • Direct them, adjust their grievances, or effectively to recommend a course of action based on their independent judgment.

Essentially, a supervisor is an employee who has the authority to make decisions on behalf of his or her employer relating to hiring, firing, promotions, rewards, and discipline. If a supervisor knew or should have known about harassment but failed to take actions to correct it, the employer can also be held liable.

Can Supervisors Be Held Personally Liable?

Depending on the case, an employee of a company can hold personal liability for acts of harassment, discrimination or retaliation. In addition to a supervisor’s personal liability, the employer is usually held liable for misconduct as well.

Your Right To Report Harassment and Discrimination

Under the law, you have a right to report workplace misconduct such as harassment or discrimination, and participate in workplace investigations of such conduct without fear of retaliation. If an employer or supervisor is making threats or engaging in retaliatory acts against you, contact an employment attorney immediately.

To schedule your free initial consultation, contact us online or call (619) 342-8000 today!

Just Because You Are a Manager Does Not Mean You Are Exempt from Receiving Overtime Pay

A commonly held myth is, “I am not entitled to overtime pay because I am a ‘manager’.”  However, because you are a “manager,” does not automatically mean you are exempt from overtime and minimum wage compensation.

Under California law, exemptions from statutory mandatory minimum wage and overtime provisions are narrowly construed.  One of the more common categories of exemptions apply to those persons employed in the “administrative, executive, or professional” capacity.  This is the category many employers use to classify “managers” as exempt from the overtime and minimum wage provisions.  The fact that you are a manager is not the test.  Rather, to be exempt under this category, an employee must: (1) be “primarily engaged in duties that meet the test of the exemption; (2) “customarily and regularly exercise discretion and independent judgment in performing those duties; and (3) earn “a monthly salary equivalent to no less than two times the state minimum wage for full-time employment.”

Generally, to qualify for the exemption, the employee’s duties must be directly related to management policies or general business operations of the employer or its customers.   An employee is “primarily engaged” in exempt duties only if more than one half of the employee’s work is devoted to such duties.   With respect to “discretion and independent judgment,” an employee who merely applies his or her skills and knowledge in following prescribed procedures is not exercising “discretion” and “judgment” of the independent sort associated with administrative work.

In short, simply because you have the title of a “manager,” does not mean you are not entitled to certain wage and hour protections, such as overtime and minimum wage compensation.

To schedule your free initial consultation, contact us online or call (619) 342-8000 today!

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