At Haeggquist & Eck, our team of experienced Los Angeles employment law attorneys understands the many challenges that can arise in employment law cases. With the ever-changing landscape of employment regulations and the unique circumstances surrounding each case, it is more important than ever to have skilled legal representation by your side if you believe your employer violated your rights in any way.

Whether you have faced wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, or wage violations, our dedicated LA employment lawyers will fight tirelessly to defend your rights and seek justice on your behalf.

Contact Haeggquist & Eck today to discuss your case and let us guide you through the legal process. Call (619) 342-8000 for your free consultation now. We’re ready to listen to your story.

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If you think an unlawful business practice or action you’re experiencing at work is impacting others, contact Haeggquist & Eck, LLP online or call (619) 342-8000 today for help. Our employment class action lawsuit attorneys in Loss Angeles can help you challenge an employer and hold them accountable.

Why Choose Our Los Angeles Employment Law Attorneys to Fight for Your

Employee Rights?

When protecting your employee rights, you need a law firm with a proven track record of success. Haeggquist & Eck is proud to have a 99 percent success rate in employment law cases. We have built our reputation on ensuring that employees never have to stand alone when we stand with them. We go up against massive employers, advocating for the underdog and leveling the playing field.

As one of the nation’s most successful and powerful employment law firms, we have fought for our own power and success in the legal field. We know what it takes to win, and we will fight for your success just like we have fought for our own. With a woman-owned law firm, we understand the unique challenges that employees face and are committed to fighting for equality in the workplace.

Choosing Haeggquist & Eck means choosing a team of attorneys who will never underestimate you. We believe in your rights and will work tirelessly to uphold them. We offer friendly and free consultations with no obligation, so you can discuss your concerns and explore your options without any cost or commitment.

Contact our firm for your no-cost, no-obligation case evaluation as soon as possible.

Los Angeles Employment Cases We Handle

At Haeggquist & Eck, we have extensive experience in handling various employment law cases. Our team of knowledgeable LA employment attorneys is well-versed in all California labor and employment laws and thoroughly understands the challenges employees face in the workplace.

Here are some key areas in which we can provide legal representation for Los Angeles employees.

Unpaid Wages and Overtime Claims

As an employee in Los Angeles, knowing your rights regarding unpaid wages and overtime claims is important. California has some of the strongest labor laws in the country, specifically designed to protect workers like you. If you suspect that your employer has not been paying you properly for the hours you’ve worked, it may be time to consult our Los Angeles employment law attorneys. One common issue that many employees face is not being paid for all of the hours they’ve worked. Under California law, employers must pay their employees for all hours worked, including overtime hours. This means that if you’re working more than 40 hours in a week, or more than 8 hours in a day, you are entitled to overtime pay. If your employer is not paying you properly for these overtime hours, it’s time to take action. Another issue that employees often encounter is not receiving their final paycheck on time. According to California labor law, employers must provide employees with their final paycheck on their last day of employment. If your employer refuses to pay you your final wages or is delaying payment, they may violate the law. Consulting our employment lawyers can explain your rights and take the necessary steps to recover the wages you’re owed. Wage and overtime class actions are another avenue for employees to seek justice for unpaid wages. In a class action lawsuit, a group of employees can band together to hold their employer accountable for wage violations. This can be a powerful tool, allowing employees to join forces and fight for their rights as a collective. If you believe that your employer has violated wage and overtime laws, contact our employment lawyers at Haeggquist & Eck today to explore the possibility of a class action lawsuit.

Meals and Rest Breaks

California law mandates that employees receive meal and rest breaks during their workday. If your employer has denied you these breaks or has not provided them under the law, our attorneys can advocate for your rights.

Misclassification of Employees

If your employer has misclassified you as an independent contractor instead of an employee, you may be entitled to certain benefits and protections. Our LA employment attorneys can assess your employment status and take legal action if necessary to ensure you receive the rights and benefits you deserve.

Pregnancy Discrimination

Pregnancy discrimination can take various forms, including being denied promotions, being subjected to unfair treatment, or even being wrongfully terminated. Our attorneys will stand up for your rights and hold your employer accountable for any pregnancy-related discrimination.

Race Discrimination

If you experience discrimination based on your race, our attorneys will work diligently to protect your rights and fight against racial discrimination in the workplace.

Religious Discrimination

No employee should face discrimination based on their religious beliefs or practices. Our attorneys have successfully represented clients who have been discriminated against due to their religious affiliation.

Age Discrimination

California law prohibits age discrimination in the workplace. If you have been treated unfairly or denied opportunities based on your age, our attorneys will advocate for your rights and seek justice on your behalf.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious issue that affects many employees in California. Every employee should understand the laws and protections in place to combat this type of harassment and ensure a safe and respectful working environment. If you believe you experienced sexual harassment at work, never wait to consult our Los Angeles employment law attorneys at Haeggquist & Eck to understand your rights and options. In California, both state and federal laws protect employees from sexual harassment in the workplace. The California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) prohibits any form of sexual harassment, including unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Under federal law, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act also prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace. If you have experienced sexual harassment, we can assist you in filing a claim. We can gather evidence, document incidents of harassment, and file a complaint with the appropriate agencies, such as the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Retaining an attorney gives you the best chance of obtaining a favorable outcome in your case. We will explain the legal process, negotiate with your employer or their legal representatives, and protect you. If you experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, take action and seek the assistance of our employment law attorneys. Do not hesitate to learn about your legal rights and options in a sexual harassment case.


Retaliation occurs when an employer takes adverse actions against an employee for engaging in protected activities, such as reporting discrimination or harassment. If you have faced retaliation, our attorneys will stand up for your rights and seek appropriate remedies.

Employment Discrimination

If you believe you have been the victim of employment discrimination in California, you should know your rights and seek legal representation from Haeggquist & Eck right away. California has strict anti-discrimination laws protecting employees from discrimination based on factors such as race, gender, age, disability, and sexual orientation. Discrimination in the workplace can take many forms, from unequal treatment and harassment to wrongful termination. It can have a devastating impact on an individual’s career, self-esteem, and overall well-being. That is why you should consult our experienced employment law attorneys, who can guide you through the legal process of fighting for your rights. One of the key benefits of hiring an attorney is our in-depth knowledge of California employment laws. We can assess the merits of your case, determine if you have a valid claim, and gather the necessary evidence to support your allegations. We can also file a complaint with the appropriate government agency or pursue a lawsuit in court. Furthermore, we can advocate on your behalf during negotiations or mediation, seeking a fair resolution or monetary compensation for the harm done to you. We can also provide guidance on how to protect yourself in the future and prevent further discrimination from occurring. Remember, you do not have to face employment discrimination alone. By working with our skilled employment lawyers, you can empower yourself to seek justice and hold accountable those who have violated your rights as an employee. Do not hesitate to reach out to a trusted employment law firm like Haeggquist & Eck for trusted guidance and support.

Gender Discrimination

If you have experienced discrimination based on your gender, our attorneys will fight to ensure that you are treated fairly and equally in the workplace.

LGBTQ Discrimination

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is not only unjust but also prohibited by law. Our attorneys have the experience to handle LGBTQ discrimination cases and will support you throughout the legal process.

Hostile Work Environment

If your workplace is filled with hostility, intimidation, or bullying, creating a hostile work environment, our attorneys can seek a resolution. We will fight for fair treatment and a safe working environment.

Quid Pro Quo Harassment

Quid pro quo harassment occurs when an employee is subjected to unwelcome advances or behavior in exchange for job benefits or favorable treatment. Our attorneys will stand up for your rights and fight against quid pro quo harassment.

Unwanted Physical Touching

Any unwanted physical contact in the workplace is unacceptable and may constitute harassment. Our attorneys will work tirelessly to protect you from unwanted physical touching and uphold your rights.

California Family Rights Act and FMLA

The California Family Rights Act (CFRA) and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provide certain protections for employees who need to take leave for family or medical reasons. If your employer has violated these laws or denied you rightful leave, our attorneys can protect you.

Disability Rights and Accommodations

If you have a disability and have faced discrimination or have not been provided with reasonable accommodations in the workplace, our attorneys will fight for your rights. We believe that no employee should be denied equal opportunities or be subjected to unfair treatment based on their disability.

Severance Negotiation

Negotiating a fair severance package can be crucial for financial stability and future employment prospects when facing a job loss. Our attorneys are skilled negotiators who can achieve the best possible outcome during severance negotiations.

Wrongful Termination

Our attorneys can assess your situation and provide trusted guidance if you believe your employer wrongfully terminated you. We will fight to hold your employer accountable for any unlawful termination and seek justice on your behalf.

Equal Pay

Equal pay is not just a fair principle but also a legal requirement. If you have been paid less than your counterparts due to gender or other protected characteristics, our attorneys will fight for equal pay and fair compensation.

For more information about how Haeggquist & Eck,
LLP can help, contact us online or call

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Los Angeles Employment Lawyers

About Your Concerns Today

The attorneys in Los Angeles at Haeggquist & Eck, LLP
represent employees in class action wage and hour disputes.

If you have employment law concerns in Los Angeles, our dedicated team of attorneys at Haeggquist & Eck is here to help. We offer a free and friendly consultation, where you can discuss your case with an experienced professional without any obligation. Our attorneys will provide guidance and support, empowering you to make informed decisions about your legal rights.

Our Office

1901 Avenue of the Stars
Suite 1030 Los Angeles, CA 90067

In addition, we are dedicated to serving clients in a wide variety of communities throughout the area.

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